New Show by Jason Hewlett



Hello Friends! Wow it’s already MARCH, crazy how quickly time flies when you’re doing something you’re passionate about.

Many have asked, “ARE YOU RETIRED?” The Answer is: NOOOOOO! I am still performing at corporate, association, and private events WORLDWIDE and loving it. I hope you’ll pass my name along to your event planning associates in your workplace or elsewhere (however my engagements are extremely limited to see me at a concert hall or amphitheater near you, perhaps that will change someday though, you never know).

Here is a LINK to my WEBSITE:

In the meantime I want you to know that I have added many NEW ACTS TO MY SHOW, so if you haven’t seen me in over a year it may be time to have me return to your event! Additions include:

  • YOUNG CROWD: Maroon 5’s “Moves Like Jagger/Grocery Bagger”, Bruno Mars (“Buy Lemonade from ya”), Coldplay (still testing between “Pair of Flies” and “Parasites”), Nicki Minaj, Gotye (“Now I’m just a loser with an old iPhone…”), Justin Beiber, Black Eyed Peas, Mumford & Sons, Fun, Adele (“Rolling in my Sleep”), Taylor Swift (from the ex-boyfriends perspective) and many others.
  • 80’s FANS: The Police, Cyndi Lauper, a bunch of “Hair Band” sing-alongs (lighters not provided, but encouraged), and a revamped Michael Jackson (think if he did songs catered to social media…”Just Tweet it!”)
  • YOUNG AT HEART CROWD: I have put together an awesome tribute to the Jersey Boys, Beach Boys, and made awesome parodies for Elvis, Neil Diamond, Sammy Davis, Jr., my 30-second re-enactment of all the actors from the movie “Les Miserables” (sorry, Russell Crowe, you will be the punch line here), and many other wild and fun additions.

Of course the favorites of the show remain:  The Raptor  –  Lady Gaga’s “Chicken Dance”  –  Alvin & the Chipmunks  –  Journey’s “Broken Arms”  –  Led Zeppelin  –  Elton & Billy…   Yet plenty of new additions are now making their way into my Las Vegas quality show.

I would love to come and perform at your next corporate event!

Also please know I am also doing events where I get to SPEAK and share my Message of discovering our Signature Moves and personal strengths for work and home, so if you would like to have me ENTERTAIN your audience while instilling a message of INSPIRATION, HUMOR, and all the while giving life-changing principles that incorporate LEADERSHIP, SELF-DISCIPLINE, and SELF-DISCOVERY, I would love to be your Keynote Artist.

I hope you know how much I appreciate you and THANK YOU for your generosity in passing my name along. As I have never done actual traditional “marketing” it is based upon your referrals that keep me working, performing, and bringing my wacky brand of joy to the world. Thank you for believing in me and supporting my career, and let me know how I can help you in serving your life’s purpose.

God Bless –
Jason Hewlett
877-501-SHOW (7469)

4 responses to “New Show by Jason Hewlett

  1. Julia Currey March 1, 2013 at 12:35 pm

    Jason- Love the beard. I had to do a second look at Bobby’s funeral to make sure it was you.
    Always a pleasure to see you- Julia Currey

  2. Michelle Fitzwater March 27, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    My son is one of your biggest fans, I cannot imagine a better example. We mention your name often.. Wishing you much success Jason.
    PS. Skyler finished Suessical a few months ago. I ALWAYS cry when I see my kids perform.

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